Deprecated - contains information about version 17 of the IDS librarySeedesign.if.eufor the latest documentation

v10 Release Notes


v10 released 15th of February, and here are the release notes, and any notable changes are described.

The release includes, but not limited to features, documentation, refactoring and bug fixes. For any questions, please contact us!

Input fields

The anatomy of the input fields

@if-design-system/input-fields has been added in a peer dependency for the affected packages. This is to alleviate the footprint, but also to make sure that the form components get the correct styling.

From the breaking change commit message:

Due to accessibility and validation issues, we're changing the html
syntax for the input-fields, in regards of labels and usage of the
help-tooltip button. We've also added some new design styling to
accommodate for v2 of the input fields. We've cleaned up some colors and
borders as well. We've also added support for a clear field button. We
separated out label, input-wrapper, reset, sizes and the help-tooltip
feature in separate style files, for easier inclusion of just what you want.



Our grid

Input field sizes now properly reflect our baseline grid.

Refactored marking of required fields

Fields marked with the required-attribute now gets a required styling by default

<form autocomplete="off" action="">
  <div class="if input-wrapper">
      class="if input-field"
    <label class="if" for="<identifier>"> Ägs sedan </label>

Programmatically state optional fields new

We have added the is-optional flag to mark a field as optional. This is a translated property, depending on the <html lang="">- attribute. See translations further down.

Vilket år blev/blir du ägare?
<form autocomplete="off" action="">
  <div class="if input-wrapper">
      class="if input-field is-optional"
    <label class="if" for="<identifier>"> Ägs sedan </label>
    <span class="if input-help"> Vilket år blev/blir du ägare? </span>
Language Translation
English(default) optional
Norwegian valgfritt
Swedish valfri
Danish valgfri
Finnish valinnainen
Estonian valikuline
Latvian neobligāti
Lithuanian neprivaloma
Russian необязательный

Reset/Clear field button new

We have added support for a clear input field.

The usage of the reset button is optional. Choose the best use case for this.

<form autocomplete="off" action="">
  <div class="if input-wrapper">
      class="if input-field"
    <button type="button" class="if reset" aria-label="Reset"></button>
    <label class="if" for="<identifier>"> Ägs sedan </label>

Due to the constraints of the markup, and that we are reliable of the state of the input field to display certain control and label features, you will need some javascript to achieve the correct positioning of the reset button.

const calculateCorrectPositionForResetButton = input => {
  const reset = input.parentElement.querySelector('.if.reset');
  if (!reset) return;

  const parentRect = input.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
  const inputRect = input.getBoundingClientRect();
  const resetRect = reset.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${ - + inputRect.height / 2 - resetRect.height / 2}px`;
  if (input.getAttribute('type') == 'number') { = '1rem';
  } else { = `${inputRect.width - 18}px`;
const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input.if');
inputs.forEach(input => {
  window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {

Design changes

We have moved the tooltip button closer to the label.

Vilket år blev/blir du ägare?
Vilket år blev/blir du ägare?

Renaming wrapper

We have renamed the form-group wrapper, to input-wrapper. This is a search and replace change. The term form-group was not a logical name, so we renamed it.


<div class="if form-group"></div>


<div class="if input-wrapper"></div>

The changes also affect these components:

Basically everywhere you used a form-group

Markup changes

We've changed the markup for input fields, to have more valid html.

Related workitem, Opens in new window

The changes also affect these components:

Basically everywhere you use a <label>

This is the old syntax:

<div class="if form-group">
  <input type="text" id="full_name" name="full_name" placeholder="Enter your full name" class="if input-field" />
  <label class="if help" for="full_name">
    Full name
    <button type="button" class="if help-tooltip" aria-label="Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet"></button>
  <span class="if input-help">We need your full name..</span>

And this is the new syntax:

<div class="if input-wrapper">
    class="if input-field"
  <div class="if input-label-wrapper">
    <label class="if" for="input-field-states-yeahyeahyeah">Ägs sedan</label
    ><span class="if inline-nowrap"><button type="button" class="if help-tooltip" aria-label="Help"></button></span>
  <span class="if input-help"> Vilket år blev/blir du ägare? </span>

NOTE! To make sure that the help-tooltip does not wrap on a new line by itself, use the span class="if inline-nowrap"-element to wrap the help-tooltip.

Make sure that it is placed RIGHT after the labelwrapper, with no whitespace!

Co branded logo

From the breaking change commit message:

Make co-branded logo and logo separate elementsMake co-branded logo and
logo separate elements so they can link to different URLs. Also document
support for removal of If logo.


We have now separated the logos into different links, so they can operate differently. The If logo now also support to be removed.

Search field new

Search field

From the breaking change commit message:

Replaces the built in search component in the Global Header component,
and other relevant usage areas like table filters etc


Refactored out the search field from the global header component and created a new component.

We also updated the design for the global header search field.

<form class="if" action="none" onsubmit="javascript: return false;">
  <div class="if search-field" role="search">
      class="if input-field"
    <button type="button" class="if reset" aria-label="Reset"></button>

We have refactored the markup of the dropdown to be more native. This to open up for a new type of dropdown (with menus and filters), but also to make implementation easier for developers.

Old syntax:

<div class="if form-group">
  <div class="if dropdown">
    <select id="drop-down-implementation-1" class="if" required>
      <option value="" disabled selected hidden>Välj våningar</option>
      <option value="1">1 våning</option>
      <option value="2">2 våningar</option>
      <option value="3">3 våningar</option>
  <label for="drop-down-implementation-1" class="if">Välj antal våningar</label>

New syntax:

<div class="if input-wrapper">
  <select class="if dropdown" id="ad" name="ad">
    <option value="" disabled hidden>Välj våningar</option>
    <option value="1" selected>1 våning</option>
    <option value="2">2 våningar</option>
    <option value="3">3 våningar</option>
  <label class="if" for="ad">Välj antal våningar</label>

New forms section

We have started to document forms in a separate section. The documentation is not full fletched, but it contains the basics. This will expand when we have landed on the form layouts.


AuthorAlexander Vassbotn Røyne-Helgesen
Contact us, Opens in new window