Back to componentsIcon ButtonAn icon button is mostly used for quick actions.CSS ComponentIfVertikal HelseRelax ClassicRelax LightRelax DarkContrastTable of ContentsIcon ButtonOverviewUsageBehavioursAnatomySpecsEdit this section, Opens in new windowOverviewButtons are clickable elements that are used to trigger actions. They communicate calls to action to the user and allow users to interact with pages in a variety of ways.Edit this section, Opens in new windowUsageThe Icon Button is used when you want small button controls.SizingThe Icon Button comes in 4 sizes.Smaller sizeSmall sizeDefault sizeLarge sizeUse sparingly!Edit this section, Opens in new windowBehavioursInteractionsActiveHoveredFocusedHover + focusActive with an SVGHovered with an SVGFocused with an SVGHover + focus with an SVGModifiersDisabledEdit this section, Opens in new windowAnatomyIcon buttonControlEdit this section, Opens in new windowSpecsIcon buttonControlEdit this section, Opens in new windowBack to topContact us, Opens in new window