CSS ComponentThe latest version of this package is: 17.0.30-alpha.8, Opens in new window
Toasts display brief, temporary notifications. They are meant to be noticed without disrupting a user's experience or requiring an action to be taken.
This component provides .css
, .styl
, .less
and .scss
To be able to install this component, please refer to the Project Setup documentation.
$ npm i @ids-core/toast@17.0.30-alpha.8
Table of Contents
Edit this section, Opens in new windowUsage
<div class="if toast [info]" data-text="Message">Message</div>
<div class="if toast info has-icon" data-text="Message">Message</div>
<div class="if toast warning" data-text="Message">Message</div>
<div class="if toast warning has-icon" data-text="Message">Message</div>
<div class="if toast success" data-text="Message">Message</div>
<div class="if toast success has-icon" data-text="Message">Message</div>
<div class="if toast error" data-text="Message">Message</div>
<div class="if toast error has-icon" data-text="Message">Message</div>
Toast tokens
Name | Value | Is aliased in |
$ids-toast-action-border |
none |
$ids-toast-action-background-color |
transparent |
$ids-toast-action-margin-left |
auto |
$ids-toast-action-padding |
0 0.5rem |
$ids-toast-action-border-radius |
0 |
$ids-toast-action-text-decoration |
underline |
$ids-toast-action-position |
relative |
$ids-toast-action-after-width |
auto |
$ids-toast-action-after-min-width |
3rem |
$ids-toast-action-after-height |
3rem |
$ids-toast-action-after-background |
transparent |
$ids-toast-action-after-position |
absolute |
$ids-toast-action-after-top |
50% |
$ids-toast-action-after-left |
50% |
$ids-toast-action-after-transform |
translate(-50%, -50%) |
$ids-toast-close-margin |
0 0 0 0.5rem |
$ids-toast-close-padding |
0 |
$ids-toast-close-height |
1.25rem |
$ids-toast-close-width |
1.25rem |
$ids-toast-close-border |
none |
$ids-toast-close-position |
relative |
$ids-toast-close-background-color |
transparent |
$ids-toast-close-background-image |
url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%27http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%27 viewBox=%270 0 32 32%27%3E%3Ctitle%3Ee remove%3C/title%3E%3Cg class=%27nc-icon-wrapper%27 stroke-linecap=%27square%27 stroke-linejoin=%27miter%27 stroke-width=%272.5%27 fill=%27%23331e11%27 stroke=%27%23331e11%27%3E%3Cline fill=%27none%27 stroke=%27%23331e11%27 stroke-miterlimit=%2710%27 x1=%2727%27 y1=%275%27 x2=%275%27 y2=%2727%27/%3E%3Cline fill=%27none%27 stroke=%27%23331e11%27 stroke-miterlimit=%2710%27 x1=%2727%27 y1=%2727%27 x2=%275%27 y2=%275%27/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E') |
$ids-toast-close-background-repeat |
no-repeat |
$ids-toast-close-background-position |
center center |
$ids-toast-close-background-size |
1rem 1rem |
$ids-toast-close-after-width |
3rem |
$ids-toast-close-after-height |
3rem |
$ids-toast-close-after-position |
absolute |
$ids-toast-close-after-top |
50% |
$ids-toast-close-after-left |
50% |
$ids-toast-close-after-transform |
translate(-50%, -50%) |
$ids-toast-margin |
0 |
$ids-toast-max-width |
80vw |
$ids-toast-min-width |
15rem |
$ids-toast-width |
100% |
$ids-toast-opacity |
0 |
$ids-toast-flex-grow |
0 |
$ids-toast-flex-shrink |
0 |
$ids-toast-height |
48px |
$ids-toast-position |
fixed |
$ids-toast-bottom |
-4rem |
$ids-toast-z-index |
500 |
$ids-toast-transition |
bottom 0.35s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1), opacity 0.35s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) |
$ids-toast-background-color |
transparent |
$ids-toast-color-normal |
rgb(51, 30, 17) |
$ids-toast-color-inverse |
rgb(250, 249, 247) |
$ids-toast-border-radius |
0.375rem |
$ids-toast-box-shadow |
0 8px 4px -2px rgba(110,98,94, 0.08), 0 16px 24px rgba(110,98,94, 0.20) |
$ids-toast-padding |
8px 24px |
$ids-toast-font-size |
1rem |
$ids-toast-line-height |
1.5rem |
$ids-toast-left |
50% |
$ids-toast-transform |
translateX(-50%) |
$ids-toast-align-items |
center |
$ids-toast-after-position |
absolute |
$ids-toast-after-left |
0 |
$ids-toast-after-right |
0 |
$ids-toast-after-bottom |
0 |
$ids-toast-after-top |
0 |
$ids-toast-after-z-index |
-2 |
$ids-toast-after-background-color |
rgb(250, 249, 247) |
$ids-toast-before-position |
absolute |
$ids-toast-before-left |
0 |
$ids-toast-before-right |
0 |
$ids-toast-before-bottom |
0 |
$ids-toast-before-top |
0 |
$ids-toast-before-z-index |
-1 |
$ids-toast-before-opacity |
1 |
$ids-toast-before-background-color |
rgb(250, 249, 247) |
$ids-toast-is-open-bottom |
4rem |
$ids-toast-is-open-opacity |
1 |
$ids-toast-emphasized-opacity |
1 |
$ids-toast-emphasized-background-color |
rgb(51, 30, 17) |
$ids-toast-emphasized-close-background-image |
url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%27http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%27 viewBox=%270 0 32 32%27%3E%3Ctitle%3Ee remove%3C/title%3E%3Cg class=%27nc-icon-wrapper%27 stroke-linecap=%27square%27 stroke-linejoin=%27miter%27 stroke-width=%272.5%27 fill=%27%23FAF9F7%27 stroke=%27%23FAF9F7%27%3E%3Cline fill=%27none%27 stroke=%27%23FAF9F7%27 stroke-miterlimit=%2710%27 x1=%2727%27 y1=%275%27 x2=%275%27 y2=%2727%27/%3E%3Cline fill=%27none%27 stroke=%27%23FAF9F7%27 stroke-miterlimit=%2710%27 x1=%2727%27 y1=%2727%27 x2=%275%27 y2=%275%27/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E') |
$ids-toast-info-opacity |
0.5 |
$ids-toast-info-background-color |
rgb(76, 176, 211) |
$ids-toast-success-opacity |
0.5 |
$ids-toast-success-background-color |
rgb(135, 199, 186) |
$ids-toast-warning-opacity |
0.5 |
$ids-toast-warning-background-color |
rgb(252, 199, 79) |
$ids-toast-error-opacity |
0.5 |
$ids-toast-error-background-color |
rgb(255, 133, 105) |
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
16.0.0 (2023-01-10)
The info card component now has rounded corners - 12px
toast no longer has icons and default variation changed
Toast component now has rounded corners - 6px.
Merged PR 101608: feat(info-card): VID update (fc3d421), closes #686982 #686982
Merged PR 101683: feat(toast): made VID updates (d9abc7c), closes #705744 #705744
Merged PR 100951: feat(toast): style update for toast (1f2f65c), closes #686989 #686989
14.22.2 (2022-05-03)
Miscellaneous chores
- package locks: update package locks (813eac7)
14.20.1 (2022-04-19)
Miscellaneous chores
- changelog: regenerate all CHANGELOG.md files (64ab385) , closes #586342
- changelog: regenerate all changelogs after updating changelog generation (70789c9) , closes #587270
14.18.3 (2022-04-13)
Bug Fixes
- changelog: generate new CHANGELOG.md files for root and
packages (349fda4)
closes #586063
. We regenerate the files to include all relevant commits and to use
at 100%
14.16.0 (2022-04-07)
Bug Fixes
14.9.0 (2022-03-03)
Miscellaneous chores
- ๐ค Bootstrap (6822f5b)
14.8.1 (2022-02-23)
Bug Fixes
reinstall (d425056)
bootstrap (9a713df)
merge (2b1c5f1)
reinstall (5221600)
reinstall (147df55)
reinstall (afce1f2)
reinstall (67f3140)
Add changelog.md to files (3338314)
Reinstall (a2abf51)
14.2.2 (2021-12-10)
Code Refactoring
๐ก Change focus styles, remove whatinput (75fd31b) , closes #505205
rebuild and reinstall (f9fb687)
reinstall (885c74b)
fix changelogs manually (b1232b4)
reinstall (545a069)
reinstall (e149c2c)
13.12.3 (2021-11-09)
- ๐งจ The scope for If Design System npm packages has now changed from
. We have also renamed the repository fromif-design-system
- ๐งจ Util is now renamed to Utils
- ๐งจ We have now changed the navigation structure for the documentation site. Please update any saved links!
- ๐งจ Navigation structure has now changed. Please see release notes!
Documentation Updates
โ๏ธ Make variations tables more condensed (4344a3a)
โ๏ธ Move position of the quick links (5cb0897)
โ๏ธ Remove unneeded margins for shortcuts (36c7e8d)
โ๏ธ Separate out CSS documentation (1a81eb8) , closes #467386
โ๏ธ Update links (82bfa1a)
โ๏ธ Update links and change navigation structure (0bfd27d) , closes #490579
โ๏ธ Use correct js references in examples/dev/demo (f41c249)
Code Refactoring
๐ก Reduce spacing tokens, use correct size tokens (97aa461)
๐ก Rename scope and repository (3ea5423)
๐ก Use new navigation structure for documentation (415aee5) , closes #490579
another change in the structure (38a0d2e)
Miscellaneous chores
bootstrap (6fc1ed8)
reinstall (da80dba)
13.11.0 (2021-10-19)
- ๐ธ Input field hot reload (eac76b7)
13.9.2 (2021-09-30)
Bug Fixes
- ๐ Complete the pseudo-element fix (1dcee2c)
13.7.0 (2021-09-22)
Documentation Updates
- โ๏ธ Update linking layout and naming (15c383b)
13.6.3 (2021-09-17)
Bug Fixes
13.6.0 (2021-09-08)
Documentation Updates
Use default shortcut listing for demo links (a746602)
bootstrap (d23e139)
- ๐ค Use correct order for diff (cc6a4fd)
12.14.1 (2021-08-12)
Miscellaneous chores
12.13.1 (2021-08-11)
Bug Fixes
๐ Whitelist docs dir for npm packaging (1a5cfd0) , closes #457621
๐ค Remove .gitignore, use npm package.json files instead, ignore zip files for npm pack (49f0269) , closes #412081 . This will whitelist files to be used in "npm pack"