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File Upload

The File Upload Component provides an easy and integrated way for users to upload multiple files. You can configure the file uploader to accept specific file types, and the file types are filtered in the user's file browser

  1. Image from iOS.jpg53.65KB

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A file-upload component enables users to upload files to your service.

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Type Purpose
Input Upload one or more files by using an input field.
Button Upload one or more files by clicking an action button that prompts a file selection dialog.
Drag and drop Drag and drop selected files directly into a drop zone area to upload.
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A file picker lets people browse files from device storage to choose a file or files to upload them to our products.


  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB


The input file-upload follows the same standard in sizing as the input field component.



  1. Profile-photo.jpg 2.45MB


  1. Image from iOS.jpg File format not supported


  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
  2. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
Input file upload
  1. Label
  2. Input element
  3. List of files to upload


  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
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A file picker lets people browse files from device storage to choose a file or files to upload them to our products.

The main difference between this version and input is that the file upload component is styled like a button.


  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
  2. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
Button file upload
  1. A secondary button
  2. An icon representing the type of file to upload
  3. List of files to upload


  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
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Drag and drop

A drag-and-drop file upload lets people drag a file or files from their device to an area of the interface (a "drop zone") to upload them to your service.







  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
  2. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
Drag and drop
  1. Label
  2. Listof files to upload
  3. Filename
  4. Filesize
  5. Action for file


  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
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File list

The file list contains these elements:

  1. A file feedback (size or error message)
  2. A file icon
  3. An action
  4. A file name
  1. Image from iOS.jpg Upload error
  2. Image from iOS.jpg File format not supported
  3. A very long image name that is truncated.png 53.65KB
  4. profile.png 53.65KB
  5. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
  6. CV.pdf 83.31KB
  7. Profile-photo.jpg 2.45MB
File list
  1. File feedback
  2. File icon
  3. File name
  4. File action

File icon

Use an icon that fits the file that is to be uploaded.

File name

The name of the file to be uploaded. If the file name is too long, it is truncated with ellipsis. Users can hover over the file name to get the full name.

File feedback

The feedback text usually contains the file size. If there's an error, you can display an error text there.


If there's an error, you can display that text in the feedback element.

File action

The file action depicts the current action that's available for the file that is uploading or is to be uploaded.

  1. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
  2. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
  3. Image from iOS.jpg 53.65KB
  4. Image from iOS.jpg Upload failed


If there applies a feature to delete specific files before upload, or after a file is uploaded, you can use this icon and relevant action to delete the file.


When an image is uploaded, for example on the change-event, use the loader as the action.


When a file has successfully been uploaded. The check mark should only be visible for 1-2 seconds, before turning back to a cross (the delete action).


If something went wrong with the upload, use the refresh icon and relevant action.

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