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Input Fields

Input fields let users enter and edit text.

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Input fields enable the user to interact with and input content.

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There are instances, sometimes in the same form, where you need users to enter both short and long form content. Allow the size of the text input box to reflect the length of the content you expect the user to enter.


Here is examples on how the different input types look like. For more information on the different types, please see the MDN documentation.

Please use the semantically correct input type for your needs! If you want regex pattern matching, use the pattern-attribute. If you want to format the input, use input[type="text"] and an appropriate addon, i.e. cleave.js


Note, if you want a datepicker, see the Datepicker component.

Telephone number
Datetime local

If you are looking for a numeric stepper, go here.


With icons

Leading icon inside
Trailing icon inside
A validation error
Error icon
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Operational states

Filled out and closed
When typing (Focused with value)
A validation error
Invalid with no value ( for example a required field )
A validation error
Invalid with value ( for example wrong value )
A validation error
Vi behöver ditt personnummer för att kunna ge dig rätt pris. Personnummer ger oss uppgift om din ålder, var du bor och hur länge du har haft körkort.
Invalid with more error text. (We use popovers in this example.)
A validation error
Focus + Invalid







The following modifiers should also apply to textareas, Autocomplete, Search field (by some extent), File upload and the Dropdown components.



Input fields marked required get the asterix by default.




The usage of the reset button is optional. Choose the best use case for this.

Reset/Clear field button
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Text field
  1. Placeholder text (optional)
  2. Text label
A help text for the input field
Text field
  1. Helper text aligned with the input field text (optional)
A validation error
Text field
  1. Validation error text aligned with the input field text (optional)
Text field
  1. Leading icon inside (optional)
  2. Help button (optional)
Text field
  1. Trailing icon inside (optional)

On backgrounds




Field length

You can vary the length of the input field. For optimal usability, use a size that corresponds with the type/amount of characters in the text-field. For example, the field for a postal code containing a maximum of 5 characters should be a small input field.

  1. Largest
  2. Larger
  3. Large
  4. Medium
  5. Small
  6. Smaller
  7. Smallest
Do not use over sized input lengths for small input
Use input lengths appropriate for the input

Help text

Use this element when you want to convey more helpfull information for the current input field. For more information about this, please read the Form Guidelines.

Vilket år blev/blir du ägare?
  1. Input help
Vi vill veta vilket år du fick huset så att vi kan använda det i våra beräkningar för villaförsäkringen, för att ge dig bästa möjliga pris.

Do not use too long help texts. Be short and concise, preferrably no more than two lines.

Vilket år blev/blir du ägare?

Display text that is usefull to the user.

Default values

Where possible, add programmatic assistance. Detect and pre-fill inputs to reduce errors and save time. When the software can't determine the value that belongs in an input, use type-ahead to make suggestions. Use sentence-case for default values, detected values, and auto-completion text.

Validation and errors

Real time validation helps to streamline the process and keep data clean when the user is filling out forms. For full guidelines, refer to the Forms documentation.

This is a validation error text
  1. Input error

Use this element when the input field is invalid, and you want to relay a short concise error text to the user. For more information about this, you can read the Form Guidelines.

Your input for the field "Zip code" is invalid. Please make sure you have the correct input, and try again. The desired input is 4 digits, and always starts with a leading zero.

Do not use too long error texts. Be short and concise, preferrably no more than two lines.

Due to our product range, you cannot live in this area.

Business rules is not suitable for validation.

Request failed with status code 403.

Do not display text that is not meant for the user. The user cannot act on this message.

Please enter a 4 digit Zip code.

Display text that is usefull to the user.

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