Deprecated - contains information about version 17 of the IDS librarySeedesign.if.eufor the latest documentation
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CSS ComponentThe latest version of this package is: 17.0.30-alpha.8, Opens in new window

Layout sections

This component provides .css, .styl, .less and .scss -files.

To be able to install this component, please refer to the Project Setup documentation.

$ npm i @ids-core/section@17.0.30-alpha.8

A section

Table of Contents

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<section class="if section"></section>
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<section class="if section [light|medium|dark]"></section>
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All of the tokens can be used as preprocessor and CSS variables

Section tokens

Name Value
rgb(250, 249, 247)
rgb(246, 243, 240)
rgb(241, 236, 232)
rgb(232, 224, 217)
2.5rem 0 2.5rem
4rem 0 2.5rem
4rem 0 5.5rem
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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

14.22.2 (2022-05-03)

Miscellaneous chores

  • package locks: update package locks (813eac7)

14.20.1 (2022-04-19)

Miscellaneous chores

  • changelog: regenerate all files (64ab385) , closes #586342
  • changelog: regenerate all changelogs after updating changelog generation (70789c9) , closes #587270

14.18.3 (2022-04-13)

Bug Fixes

  • changelog: generate new files for root and packages (349fda4) , closes #586063 . We regenerate the files to include all relevant commits and to use conventional-commits at 100%

14.16.0 (2022-04-07)

Bug Fixes

  • 🐛 Add missing imports for global CSS Variables (fbf6f06) , closes #582437

14.13.0 (2022-04-06)

Bug Fixes

  • 🐛 Encode data-value in design token documentation (85737c6)

14.10.0 (2022-03-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Use correct version for dependencies (786e425)

14.9.0 (2022-03-03)

Miscellaneous chores

reinstall (d425056)

bootstrap (9a713df)

14.7.0 (2022-02-17)


  • 🎸 Split out and rename block component from core (6f62d05)

  • 🤖 Update dev and demo files (b98969b)

  • add dev server (ac7852c)

merge (2a0cf88)

  • Update preprocessor files (96e9832)
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