Deprecated - contains information about version 17 of the IDS librarySeedesign.if.eufor the latest documentation
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JavaScriptThe latest version of this package is: 0.18.6, Opens in new window

JavaScript library for the Panel Component

This component is compatible with ESM (ES6 module) and IIFE. See documentation examples below.

To be able to install this component, please refer to the Project Setup documentation.

$ npm i @ids-js/panel@0.18.6

Table of Contents


Required markup

<div class="if panel is-expandable">
    class="if title"
  <div class="if content" role="region" id="exp-main-1" tabindex="-1">
    <p class="if text lead center">
      Villaförsäkringen gäller för dig, de du bor med, de saker du äger, hyr
      eller lånar, byggnaderna och tomten. Försäkringen är en trygghet för dig
      som äger hus.
    <p class="if text body center">
      En husägare kan råka ut för olika händelser. Det kan vara inbrott, brand-
      eller vattenskada eller att värmepannan går sönder. I villaförsäkringen
      ingår reseskydd och försäkring för de personliga saker du och familjen
      äger, hyr eller lånar. Villaförsäkringen kan du köpa till villa, radhus
      eller kedjehus.
    <div class="if input-wrapper center">
      <button type="button" class="if button primary large">
        Jämför våra villaförsäkringar

With script tag

<script src="/assets/panel.iife.js"></script>
  const expandables = document.querySelectorAll('');

  expandables.forEach((expandable) => {
    new IDSPanel.Panel(expandable);

As a module

import { Panel as IDSPanel } from '@ids-js/panel';

const expandables = document.querySelectorAll('');

expandables.forEach((expandable) => {
  new IDSPanel(expandable);



Kind: global class


  • Add keyboard navigation support, and keep in mind issues with navigation on selectable panels

new IDSPanel()

A library to set up usage of the Panel Component

idsPanel.isOpen : Boolean

Kind: instance property of IDSPanel

idsPanel.panel : Element

Kind: instance property of IDSPanel

idsPanel.isExpandable : Element

Kind: instance property of IDSPanel

idsPanel.isSelectable : Element

Kind: instance property of IDSPanel

idsPanel.expandableButtonEl : Element

Kind: instance property of IDSPanel

idsPanel.expandableContentEl : Element

Kind: instance property of IDSPanel

idsPanel.radioButtonEl : Element

Kind: instance property of IDSPanel


Get sibling expandables

Kind: instance method of IDSPanel


Toggle panel, if expandable

Kind: instance method of IDSPanel


Close current panel, if it is expandable

Kind: instance method of IDSPanel

Open current panel, if it is expandable

Kind: instance method of IDSPanel


Initialize expandable panel

Kind: instance method of IDSPanel



Kind: instance method of IDSPanel


Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

0.17.0 (2021-10-21)

Code Refactoring

  • 💡 Remove support for CommonJS (9f84d9a)


  • 🧨 We have removed the support for CommonJS for all @ids-js packages

0.16.1 (2021-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Use common for cjs and main for esm (96f673d)

0.15.0 (2021-10-15)


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