Deprecated - contains information about version 17 of the IDS librarySeedesign.if.eufor the latest documentation

JavaScriptThe latest version of this package is: 0.18.6, Opens in new window

A set of common JavaScript snippets to be used in tandom with If Design System Components

This component is compatible with ESM (ES6 module) and IIFE. See documentation examples below.

To be able to install this component, please refer to the Project Setup documentation.

$ npm i @ids-js/utils@0.18.6

Table of Contents





debounce(func, wait, [immediate]) ⇒ `function`

Debounce function that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not be triggered.

position(sourceEl, targetEl) ⇒ `Object`

Gets position data for `sourceEl` to be positioned in relation to `targetEl`

toTop(modifiers) ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position toTop

fromTop() ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position fromTop

toBottom(modifiers) ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position toBottom

fromBottom(modifiers) ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position fromBottom

toLeft(modifiers) ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position toLeft

fromLeft() ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position fromLeft

toRight(modifiers, modifier) ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position toRight

fromRight(modifiers) ⇒ `IDSPositionalData`

Get position data to position fromRight

getSiblingsOfSameNode(currentNode, className) ⇒ `Array.`

Get all the siblings of the same node, and only nodes with given className

getPreviousSibling(el, selector) ⇒ `HTMLElement`

Get the previous sibling of givven node that matches given selector

isOverflownHorizontally(element) ⇒ `Boolean`

Checks if the element is overflowed horizontally

srSpeak(text, [ariaLive], [role], [ariaRelevant], [ariaAtomic])

Creates an element to let screen readers relay the information given verbally

formatCurrency(number, [locale], [options]) ⇒ `String`

Formats given number into given currency, with options. Uses `Intl.NumberFormat` under the hood

addClass(el, className)

Add class name(s) to given element. The `className` parameter can be a string separated with single space, or a single string for one class name to be used

removeAllOccurencesOfValueInArray(arr, value) ⇒ `Array`

Removes all occurences of value in array


Remove the previously selected menu item

isHorizontalNavigation(e) ⇒ `Boolean`

Is the keyboard event used in horizontal navigation?

isVerticalNavigation(e) ⇒ `Boolean`

Is the keyboard event used in vertical navigation?

trapFocus(element, [ctx])

Trap focus within given element

getElementCSSStyle(el) ⇒ `CSSStyleDeclaration`

Get the CSS style from given element

getSize(size) ⇒ `String`

Get the proper human readable size from `size`

getSizeName(size) ⇒ `String`

Get the proper file size name based on `size`

getSizeFullName(size) ⇒ `String`

Get the proper full file size name based on `size`


IDSPositionalData : `Object`



global class

new IDSScrollLock()

Add scroll lock on body


Deactive scroll lock


instance method of IDSScrollLock


Activate scroll lock


instance method of IDSScrollLock

debounce(func, wait, [immediate]) ⇒ function

Debounce function that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not be triggered.


global function

Param Type Description
func function Function to be debounced
wait number Time in milliseconds to wait before the function gets called.
[immediate] boolean Optional immediate flag, if passed, trigger the function on the leading edge, instead of the trailing.


  debounce((evt) => console.log(evt), 250)

position(sourceEl, targetEl) ⇒ Object

Gets position data for sourceEl to be positioned in relation to targetEl


global function

Returns: Object - A set of functions to be used to get the positional data from

Param Type Description
sourceEl HTMLElement The element to position
targetEl HTMLElement The element to be positioned to


// Will position `sourceEl` to the top of `targetEl`
position(sourceEl, targetEl).toTop();

toTop(modifiers) ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position toTop


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

Param Type Description
modifiers Modifiers to use
modifiers.sourceHeight Number Height of the sourceEl, used as a modifier to subtract

fromTop() ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position fromTop


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

toBottom(modifiers) ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position toBottom


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

Param Type Description
modifiers Modifiers to use
modifiers.sourceHeight Number Height of the sourceEl, used as a modifier to subtract
modifiers.targetHeight Number Height of the targetEl, used as a modifier to add

fromBottom(modifiers) ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position fromBottom


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

Param Type Description
modifiers Modifiers to use
modifiers.targetHeight Number Height of the targetEl, used as a modifier to add

toLeft(modifiers) ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position toLeft


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

Param Type Description
modifiers Modifiers to use
modifiers.sourceWidth Number Width of the sourceEl, used as a modifier to subtract

fromLeft() ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position fromLeft


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

toRight(modifiers, modifier) ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position toRight


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

Param Type Default Description
modifiers Modifiers to use
modifiers.sourceWidth Number Width of the sourceEl, used as a modifier to subtract
modifiers.targetWidth Number Width of the targetEl, used as a modifier to add
modifier Number 0 Modifier to add

fromRight(modifiers) ⇒ IDSPositionalData

Get position data to position fromRight


global function

Returns: IDSPositionalData - The positional data

Param Type Description
modifiers Modifiers to use
modifiers.targetWidth Number Width of the targetEl, used as a modifier to add

getSiblingsOfSameNode(currentNode, className) ⇒ Array.<HTMLElement>

Get all the siblings of the same node, and only nodes with given className


global function

Returns: Array.<HTMLElement> - Array of siblings from currentNode

Param Type Description
currentNode HTMLElement The node to get siblings from
className String Class name to match against

getPreviousSibling(el, selector) ⇒ HTMLElement

Get the previous sibling of givven node that matches given selector


global function

Returns: HTMLElement - The previous sibling

Param Type Description
el HTMLElement The element to find the previous sibling from
selector String The selector used for matching sibling

isOverflownHorizontally(element) ⇒ Boolean

Checks if the element is overflowed horizontally


global function

Param Type Description
element HTMLElement The element to check if it is overflowed

srSpeak(text, [ariaLive], [role], [ariaRelevant], [ariaAtomic])

Creates an element to let screen readers relay the information given verbally


global function

Param Type Default Description
text String The text for the screen reader to speak
[ariaLive] String polite Which mode should the screen reader use?
[role] String log The role attribute to be used
[ariaRelevant] String additions The aria-relevant attribute to be used
[ariaAtomic] Boolean false Should this be atomic?

formatCurrency(number, [locale], [options]) ⇒ String

Formats given number into given currency, with options. Uses Intl.NumberFormat under the hood


global function

Returns: String - The formatted number

Param Type Default Description
number Number The number to format
[locale] String se The locale to use
[options] Object {} A set op options to be used for the Intl.NumberFormat

addClass(el, className)

Add class name(s) to given element. The className parameter can be a string separated with single space, or a single string for one class name to be used


global function

Param Type Description
el HTMLElement The element to add the class name(s) to
className String The class name(s) to add to the given el

removeAllOccurencesOfValueInArray(arr, value) ⇒ Array

Removes all occurences of value in array


global function

Returns: Array - The cleaned array

Param Type Description
arr Array The array to remove values from
value String | Number The value to remove


Remove the previously selected menu item


global function

Param Type Description
el HTMLElement The element to select menu items from

isHorizontalNavigation(e) ⇒ Boolean

Is the keyboard event used in horizontal navigation?


global function

Param Type
e Event

isVerticalNavigation(e) ⇒ Boolean

Is the keyboard event used in vertical navigation?


global function

Param Type
e Event

trapFocus(element, [ctx])

Trap focus within given element


global function

Param Type Default
element HTMLElement
[ctx] HTMLElement document

getElementCSSStyle(el) ⇒ CSSStyleDeclaration

Get the CSS style from given element


global function

Param Type
el HTMLElement

getSize(size) ⇒ String

Get the proper human readable size from size


global function

Returns: String - The human readable size name

Param Type
size Number


// Example
   getSize(1024) => 1KB

getSizeName(size) ⇒ String

Get the proper file size name based on size


global function

Returns: String - The human readable size name

Param Type
size Number


// Example
   getSizeName(1024) => KB

getSizeFullName(size) ⇒ String

Get the proper full file size name based on size


global function

Returns: String - The human readable size name

Param Type
size Number


// Example
   getSizeFullName(1024) => Kilobytes

IDSPositionalData : Object


global typedef


Name Type Description
left number The left Coordinate
top number The top Coordinate


Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

0.17.0 (2021-10-21)

Code Refactoring

  • 💡 Remove support for CommonJS (9f84d9a)


  • 🧨 We have removed the support for CommonJS for all @ids-js packages

0.16.1 (2021-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Use common for cjs and main for esm (96f673d)

0.15.0 (2021-10-15)


  • 🎸 Add getSiblingsOfSameNode method (6e184ce)

0.14.0 (2021-10-14)


  • 🎸 Add scrolllock helper to utils (6a768ed)
  • 🎸 Add tooltip and file upload js package (cff82af), closes #467386

0.13.0 (2021-10-01)


0.11.0 (2021-10-01)


  • 🎸 Add trapFocus function (d71448b)

0.6.0 (2020-11-12)


  • 🎸 Add common, data-tables and tag js (b65169e)

0.5.0 (2020-11-11)

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