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We want to be perceived as a warm and caring brand, as well as being functional and reliable.

By pairing and intersecting these attributes, we create a simple and unique color expression aligned with our "Simply Personal" concept.

Each color has a purpose and adds emotional value to our visual expression.

Table of Contents

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Our palette consists of one primary color: BL 1, BLUE. It is the color of our logotype and expresses loyalty, trust and professionalism. The BL 1, BLUE is a functional, eye-catching color used for interaction and activation, e.g. used for our primary buttons and links.

However, BL 1, BLUE should not be over used. Rather, it should be used to highlight key information.

Secondary colors are used to create a warm canvas for all types of content. Our beige colors, (BE 1, DARK BEIGEBE 5, LIGHTEST BEIGE), are used as background colors, which together can be combined and used as dividers for layout purposes. Our brown colors, (BR 1, BROWN and LB 1, LIGHT BROWN), are mostly used for text and buttons.

To amplify the vitality and warmth of our palette, we use complementary colors that are used for content that needs color variation, e.g. for coloring infographics and styling in imagery as accent colors (props and clothing).

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The If color palette reflects the tonality of the brand: uncomplicated, warm and personal. It fulfills specific functions and manages content effectively.

Our primary blue color, (BL 1, BLUE), is used in important graphic elements, such as the logotype, for interactive and activation UI elements such as primary buttons, hyperlinks, etc. On printed material, it can be used, for example, for highlighting key texts. The darker version (BL 1 DARK, DARK BLUE) is a shade of our primary blue color, and only used to support our primary blue color for states.

Our beige secondary colors, (BE), are used for backgrounds. Brown, (BR 1, BROWN), is used for text, web icons, and secondary buttons. However, for copy in text-heavy documents such as core communication and office printed documents, you should use black instead of brown. Light brown, (LB 1, LIGHT BROWN), is used for inactive web icons and/or buttons.

Complementary colors, red (CR), yellow (CY), green (CG), and blue (CB) are used for infographics and info boxes. They are designed to complement our primary and secondary colors.

BL 1.
BE 1.
BE 2.
BE 3.
BE 4.
BE 5.
BR 1.
LB 1.
CR 1.
CR 2.
CR 3.
CY 1.
CY 2.
CY 3.
CG 1.
CG 2.
CG 3.
CB 1.
CB 2.
CB 3.
  • Accent (primary) - Logotype, activation
  • Backgrounds (secondary) - Backgrounds and text colors
  • Infographics (complementary) - Infographics, statistics etc.

Accent color

Opulent Blue#0054F0rgb(0,84,240)$ids-color-accent

The primary color, BL 1, BLUE, is the color of our logotype and expresses loyalty, trust and professionalism. The BL 1, BLUE is a functional, eye-catching color used for interaction and activation, e.g. used for our primary buttons and links.

However, BL 1, BLUE should not be over used. Rather, it should be used to highlight key information.

Always use BL 1, BLUE for activation and interaction.

Background colors

Bright White#F6F3F0rgb(246,243,240)$ids-color-background-200
New House White#F1ECE8rgb(241,236,232)$ids-color-background-300
Stone Harbour#E8E0D9rgb(232,224,217)$ids-color-background-500

Secondary colors are used to create a warm canvas for all types of content. Our beige colors, (BE 1, DARK BEIGEBE 5, LIGHTEST BEIGE), are used as background colors, which together can be combined and used as dividers for layout purposes. Our brown colors, (BR 1, BROWN and LB 1, LIGHT BROWN), are mostly used for text and buttons.


Branding Information


Hero image backgroundStudio image background


Product category


Informative partInfographics Long text


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Use the background color palette to divide space.
  • BE 1, DARK BEIGE for hero sections/mood boards
  • BE 3, LIGHT BEIGE or BE 5, LIGHTEST BEIGE for product cross links where studio images are used (open pages primarily) and other blocks for emphasizing sections of a page (all applications)
  • BE 5, LIGHTEST BEIGE for content heavy sections and to be used instead of white.
  • Certain components can have either BE 5, LIGHTEST BEIGE or BE 3, LIGHT BEIGE as a background color (for instance cross link areas, forms, etc, but should be used in moderation. Focus on as "light" as possible and use BE 5, LIGHTEST BEIGE mostly, but to maintain readability of content).

Text colors

Browse Brown#6E625Ergb(110,98,94)$ids-color-text-subtle
Black Slug#331E11rgb(51,30,17)$ids-color-text-primary-on-light
Black Slug#331E11rgb(51,30,17)$ids-color-text-primary-normal

Brown, (BR 1, BROWN), is used for text, web icons, and secondary buttons. However, for copy in text-heavy documents such as core communication and office printed documents, you should use black instead of brown. Light brown, (LB 1, LIGHT BROWN), is used for inactive web icons and/or buttons.

Always use BR 1, BROWN and LB 1, LIGHT BROWN on text. Exceptions include web links and text on dark backgrounds.
Never use black text or black tint in digital communication.


For every background color, we have found a corresponding AA compliant text color as the default text color. We use a ratio threshold of 5. We recommend this tool to check your color contrasts:

To see the code for this, you can head over to the color component page.

Contrast Ratio5.65:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio14.95:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio12.06:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio12.74:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio13.41:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio14.23:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio14.95:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio4.51:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio4.76:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.01:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.31:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.58:1

Small textAAAAA


Status colors

Once Bitten#BB320Crgb(187,50,12)$ids-color-status-error
Golden Promise#FCC74Frgb(252,199,79)$ids-color-status-warning

The GREEN color is used for success, safe, right. The RED color is used for error, danger, wrong.

These colors are only used for small notifications, warnings, feedback to the user about something that has happened. Like a new claim, new message in inbox, error message etc.


Contrast Ratio4.51:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio4.77:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.02:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.33:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.61:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio4.5:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio4.75:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.31:1

Small textAAAAA

Contrast Ratio5.58:1

Small textAAAAA


Alert Banner colors

These colors are only used in notifications, and they are blended infographic and background colors. The colors are blended like this:

.color {
  mix-blend-mode: multiply;
  opacity: 0.5;

The text color allowed to be used with this background colors is BR 1, BROWN.

The real color information is ommited. The color information to the alert-banner colors are an approximation, and is only used for accessibility testing purposes.
Light blueRelax#b8d2d5rgb(184, 210, 213)AAAAA
Light greenDry Lichen#c6d8cergb(198, 216, 206)AAAAA
Light YellowHampton#e8d2a3rgb(232, 210, 163)AAAAA
Light redCupcake Rose#e8c8b3rgb(232, 200, 179)AAAAA
Light BlueAquarelle Blue#c0dee4rgb(192, 222, 228)AAAAA
Light greenDew Not Disturb#cee3ddrgb(206, 227, 221)AAAAA
Light yellowVinaigrette#f1ddaergb(241, 221, 174)AAAAA
Light redMaiden's Blush#f1d3bfrgb(241, 211, 191)AAAAA
Light blueFrosty Day#c7eaf3rgb(199, 234, 243)AAAAA
Light greenReduced Sky#d5f0ebrgb(213, 240, 235)AAAAA
Light yellowSand Diamond#fae9bargb(250, 233, 186)AAAAA
Light redPeachade#fadecbrgb(250, 222, 203)AAAAA

Infographic colors

Peach Crayon#FFC9A6rgb(255,201,166)$ids-color-infographic-100
Protein High#FF8569rgb(255,133,105)$ids-color-infographic-200
Book Binder#805C5Crgb(128,92,92)$ids-color-infographic-300
June Day#FFE082rgb(255,224,130)$ids-color-infographic-400
Golden Promise#FCC74Frgb(252,199,79)$ids-color-infographic-500
Spearmint Water#B5EDE8rgb(181,237,232)$ids-color-infographic-700
Tranquil Teal#87C7BArgb(135,199,186)$ids-color-infographic-800
Woad Indigo#6B9994rgb(107,153,148)$ids-color-infographic-900
Gas Giant#97E2F7rgb(151,226,247)$ids-color-infographic-1000

Complementary colors, red (CR), yellow (CY), green (CG), and blue (CB) are used for infographics and info boxes. They are designed to complement our primary and secondary colors.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Never use infographic colors as background color.
Infographic colors are not used for activation and interaction.

States colors

Browse Brown 30%#6E625E4Drgba(110,98,94,0.3)$ids-color-states-disabled
Bracing Blue#004080rgb(0,64,128)$ids-color-states-active
Bracing Blue#004080rgb(0,64,128)$ids-color-states-hover
Opulent Blue#0054F0rgb(0,84,240)$ids-color-states-focus

State colors are only for used with states like hover and active.

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This chart shows the permitted color combinations of text color on our brand colors.

All If colors are tested according to WCAG guidelines for legibility (AA only) in digital environments.

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